Parker Hannifin Games Detective Game User Manual

Detective Game for Juniors  
For 2 to 4 players Ages 5 to 7  
©1994 Wa ddIngtons G a mes Ltd., Leeds, Engla nd.  
C LUE is a registered tra dema rk of Wa ddingtons G a mes Ltd; used under lic e nse to Pa rker Brothers  
Printed in C hina .  
To solve the mystery by figuring out Whic h C hild is hiding in Whic h  
Room with Whic h Pet.  
You’re in a grea t big ma nsion, where there a re kids pla ying with pets  
in the rooms. But there’s somebody else in the house! Someone is  
hiding with a pet, a nd its your job to pla y detec tive a nd find the  
missing c hild. So visit a ll the rooms in the ma nsion, open the doors to  
revea l hidden c lues, a nd c ross off on your detec tive note pa d wha t  
you see in the room. When you’ve visited a ll the rooms a nd c rossed  
off everything you’ve seen, you’ll know tha t wha t you didn’t see is the  
solution to the mystery of Whic h C hild is in Whic h Room with Whic h  
C LUE@ JR. ga me c a se with 4 ga me c a rds, 4 movers, note pa d,  
c onsumer-a pplied la bels  
Slide the yellow la tc h on the un-hinged end to open the c a se.  
Remove the 4 bla nk movers.  
Apply ma tc hing c ha ra c ter la bels to both sides of a mover. Repea t  
with rema ining la bels, being sure to put the sa me c olor c ha ra c ter  
la bels on the front a nd ba c k of the ma tc hing c olor mover.  
Ea c h pla yer will need a penc il.  
Ea c h pla yer pic ks a mover a nd ta kes a sheet from the detec tive note  
pa d. Lea ve a ny extra movers inside the c a se, out of pla y.  
Be sure the blue c lue-revea ler door is c losed!  
Note: There a re two mysteries on ea c h side of the four mystery c a rds,  
for a tota l of 16 mysteries. Put the four c a rds in the c a se in a ny order,  
a nd pla y the top mystery.  
Put your mover on the START spa c e of the ma tc hing c olor.  
The youngest pla yer goes first. Pla y pa sses to the left.  
On your turn:  
Spin the number spinner a nd move your mover tha t ma ny spa c es in  
a ny direc tion.  
If there’s a lrea dy a mover in the tra c k spa c e you would la nd on, move  
to the next a va ila ble spa c e. If there’s a mover in the keyhole you wa nt  
to put your mover in, wa it until your next turn, then without spinning  
the spinner, move into the keyhole a nd look a t your c lues.  
Wha t you do next depends on where you la nd!  
If you la nd on the rug outside a room, put your  
mover in the keyhole a nd open the door. Wha t do  
you see? On your detec tive note pa d, put a c hec k  
(or c ross off) the Room, Kid a nd/or Pet you sa w, a nd  
c ross off the door you looked under. Sometimes  
you’ll see a c hild or a pet, a nd sometimes both.  
Sta y here, with your mover in the keyhole, until your  
next turn. On your next turn, first move out of the  
keyhole onto the rug, then spin a nd move; don’t  
c ount the rug spa c e.  
If you La nd on the Sec ret Pa ssa ge Sta irwa y, move  
through the Sec ret Pa ssa qe a nd c ome out on a ny  
other Sec ret Pa ssa ge spa c e on the boa rd!  
. If you spin the magnifying glass, move to any keyhole  
on the board that doesn’t have another mover in it.  
Take a peek inside and mark your note pad. Stay here,  
with your mover in the door, until your next move.  
If you saw Peter Plum in the  
Bathroom with the Rabbit, your  
note pad will look like this. You  
should also check off the door  
you looked under.  
On your turn, if you have crossed off all the Rooms except one, all the  
Kids except one, and all the Pets except one, you may announce that  
you want to solve the mystery. Tell your opponents Which Child you  
think is hiding in Which Room with Which Pet, then slide the blue  
clue-revealer door open and check if you were correct. Don’t let the  
other players see the answer until you know you are correct. If you  
were, you win! If you weren’t correct, you’re out of the game. The  
others keep playing until somebody solves the mystery.  
You do not have to land on a rug by exact count.  
Careful! When you open a door, don’t let your opponents see inside!  
And keep the information on your note pad secret!  
You may open a door more than once on a turn to make sure you got  
the clues right.  
The first player who reveals enough clues to determine Which Child is  
hiding in Which Room with Which Pet wins the game!  
Mix up or turn the mystery cards, and play again!  
We will be ha ppy to hea r your questions or c omments a bout this ga me.  
Write to: C onsumer Rela tions,  
Pa rker Brothers, P.O. Box 1012, Beverly, MA 01915.  

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